People First

Coaching and Coach Training

People First delivers transformative coaching experiences for individuals and corporates to deeply connect with the inner being and forward their conscious works. Our coach training programs support coaches to deepen their coaching poise and presence in their endeavor to share a nourishing space for their clients.

Our coaching and coach training spaces are designed to integrate and sustain inner shifts with outer manifestation. The spaces evoke awareness (self & environment), unlock potential strengths that are already present, yet to be discovered and expressed, and enhance performance and thriving at work and life.

Whether it is a cohort of coaches getting trained or 1-1 coaching spaces or group coaching our primary focus is to co-create transformative journeys for people. We work towards leaving them in a space of acceptance of their whole selves, celebrating what is working and evoking awareness of what specifically needs attention as they evolve to a more integrated version of themselves. It’s about teaching them to fish, handholding until the change is brought to fruition and then enabling to use these processes on their own. Thereby they discover their own empowering process and what yields fulfillment and results for them.


The Inner 



One of its kind holistic framework that brings awareness to the patterns of mind and life energies, work style orientations, quality of relationships and how we show up in life & work. It’s a well-researched framework that clarifies our inner presence through eight different parts of our being and reveals strengths present within us. The 8 parts of being bring light into your thinking process, emotional states, internal sense of power, degree of joy, state of wellbeing in your body and sustained habits.


The Inner 



One of its kind holistic framework that brings awareness to the patterns of mind and life energies, work style orientations, quality of relationships and how we show up in life & work. It’s a well-researched framework that clarifies our inner presence through eight different parts of our being and reveals strengths present within us. The 8 parts of being bring light into your thinking process, emotional states, internal sense of power, degree of joy, state of wellbeing in your body and sustained habits.

Our Coaching Services –
for Individuals and Organizations

Each one of us has a way of working – how we show up (skills, behaviors and actions) and a way of being (inner qualities). And we are all looking for more holistic experiences that help us live a fuller life – a life of personal fulfillment and contribution. Coaching can help you in many ways to explore aspects of life and work. Being coached supports in –

We work with individuals to integrate their outer manifestations (excellence in performance at work, building quality relationships, leading people, leading organizations, contributing to larger eco-systems) to their inner being (self-awareness of strengths and qualities, awareness of strengths and qualities required for client/project/ tasks at work and building inner practices for wellbeing and enhancing capacities).

Our coaching services are for leaders, first-time people managers, entrepreneurs, consultants, working professionals, parents, teachers, young adults or coaches who are seeking change or aspirating to creating impact. We offer on demand and structured Executive / Leadership Coaching, Group / Team Coaching, Life / Transformation Coaching, Career and Parenting Coaching.

In-the moment

Our coaches are available whenever you need help in specific topics like influencing and assertive communication, making decisions in ambiguities, prioritizing, delivering tough feedback, expressing ideas or conflicting perspectives, being a working parent, experiencing dissonance (challenges), letting go, building goodwill and more

One-on-one Coaching

Curated transformational journeys – You (or your people) can get a personal coach to help achieve goals, re-calibrate and take charge of next level growth & development. The journeys are customized for your business or personal ethos and sensitive to cultural inclusion (company, family or social)

Group Coaching

Teams get access to coaching on appreciating and leveraging collective strengths, focusing on a win-win-win mindset, building quality relationships, conscious collaboration, and more. For the organizations, they benefit from creating a coaching culture, further leadership development, develop high performing teams, women mentorship, nurture internal high potential talent to plan for succession, create a listening space and integrate culture during mergers and acquisitions, and more.

Coaching themes

We co-design, consult, coach or facilitate interventions and group workshops for your leaders, people managers & individuals to build a process mindset and systems approach that focuses on

leading self

aligning to the purpose, leaning in times of change and building habits of excellence and care; working through life transitions and managing a balance at work

leading people

inspire purpose, deliver meaningful change, accelerate team performance, coach for people development, have feed forward conversations, engage with compassion, sustain progress

leading the child

letting the child lead, being the space for the child to discover, express and develop. Tuning into the core nature and co-create learning. Build parenting habits that nourish

building leadership presence

 grounded in conscious work, business growth and people progress or Re-Purpose

building resilience & change agility

crafting wellbeing practices and create tiny habits for daily life that work for you

building quality relationships

creating empowering, engaged and nurturing spaces working through career transitions

career transitions

working through career transitions

personal transformation

personal transformation and professional excellence

working through stuckness

don't let fear, anger, self-worth, relationships, lack of courage or confidence, grief, loss, negative / doubtful thoughts come in your way of expressing your authentic self

Our Approach

Design a path to conscious work and excellence. We co-create coaching and development interventions alongside you. You know your culture or context better and we deliver expertise in helping you access, express, and build practices to become aware of your deeper human potential. We build a custom coaching plan for individuals – with coaching tools, formats, and sustenance support.

Coaches create a safe and trusting space for you to help you bring focus on an unambiguous specific goal, acknowledge, and appreciate strengths, identify barrier to execution, and inspire accountability of commitments and action plans drawn during the sessions.

Coaching with Depth -
Our Coach Education Wing

Deeper coaching spaces are held where the coach masters the science of coaching structures & skills and knows how to creatively flow beyond them like an artist. Each coaching conversation is unique, and each conversation presents an opportunity for the client as well as the coach to explore deeper qualities that are present and those that are seeking transformative expression.

The Coaching Methodology: As a coaching with depth coach, you will learn to dance with the client as you master the art of holding a transformative space for the client. The highest form of service is to honour the deeper human potential, sense it in its’ expression (positive or negative) and begin to shift it to a state of contribution. A coach can accomplish this by holding a poise and space of subtle awareness in which both the coach and the client experience transformation.

The Framework: Coaching with depth is a framework, methodology and a way of living. It will train you to approach the client as a whole person and become aware of the systematic nature of who they have become (current reality) and what they aspire to become (future/ higher state they wish to hold and operate from).


The Coach: The ‘coach’ who explores ‘Coaching with Depth’ can be coming from any walk of life. They can be a professional, life or leadership coach. They can also be a leader, manager, HR professional, parent, teacher, psychologist, healer or therapist who formally or informally hold roles of developing others. It is meant for coaches who prepare their own being and become equipped to hold the space in which the client can discover, be and evolve themselves.


The Transformation: 

With coaching with depth framework, you will shift from being a person who identifies and resolves issues to being a coach who is aware of what is emerging in the moment and spotting the part of being the client needs to express. You will build the creative courage to offer it to the client with a strong yet gentler and subtler way of being.

Within each coaching conversation you will learn to directly spot the core vision, aspiration and purpose the client is resonating both at individual and collective level. Every strength or limitation present has a corresponding underlying basis in our mind, emotion, energy, senses and body (which we refer to as the eight parts of our inner being).

The Learnings: As a coach, you learn to:

 The coach and the client look together into these discoveries and craft journeys that nourish the core of the client.


The foundation course of CWD gives you an immersion into the processes and tools of the Coaching with depth framework. It equips you to integrate accessing the ‘being’ into your coaching linking it to external competencies and change. It helps build your own coaching poise and provide space for transformation.

Foundation offers both hybrid (retreat plus online) and fully online formats which incorporate facilitated spaces along with peer coaching-learning and coach mentoring – to deepen knowledge and application.


The Mastery course deepens the experience through continued learning, feedback, experiences, inner work and application.

Designed to gain confidence and expertise in using the tools & experiential processes, crafting inner practices and poise work – It strengthens the integration of being coaching into what the coach offers for their own affinity groups or target areas.  

Mastery course offers a residential retreat plus online format which incorporate facilitated spaces, inner work, deep research, peer coaching-learning and personalised mentoring.

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