People First

Develop your people

In our observation more than 60 – 70 percent of people’s innate talents and potentials get dissipated in the organizational way of working. Often, people could be sitting with ideas, power and potentials which go unnoticed, untapped and thus becomes a loss for the individual and the organization.

Training needs to empower every individual in the organization. Vision needs to become a source of inspiration for every individual in the organization.

Our role is to support you to do a ‘head-stand’ in your people development initiatives. Our mission is to offer solutions for the development of people that touch ALL at ALL levels of your organization. We create roadmaps that integrate solutions across and help you build a progressive learning culture. Training goes beyond jargons, techniques and slide shows, we design development initiatives that are experiential, co-owned, participative, practical, implementable and integrative.

Our Coaching journeys are initiated by the individuals gaining insights, discoveries & clarity during sessions. The sessions are structured to facilitate progress, achieve breakthroughs and work from the potential that is already present in them. Individuals have experienced their next level self in terms of skill & actions during the coaching session itself. Thus, the rate of internalisation, application & progress is higher.

Apart from facilitating we also mentor our people in the art of grooming and developing their teams and the organization through our expertise, experience, tools & methodologies.

Focus Areas

Our approach and commitment
as we partner with you is to

Listen deeply in your explorative phase.

Coach stakeholders to arrive at clarity of purpose & outcomes.

Make you aware of the Baseline (current ‘as is’ state) and help you firm up your aspiration (your next level vision).

Facilitate spaces for you and your teams to make that deeper paradigm shift.

Your ‘People’ are the key and can be the one to make all the difference, we help them become aware of the power and the excellence they hold within.

Bring forth awareness to the nature of conversations and shift them to healthy inter-personnel spaces - that align with core vision, build highly focused teams and drive momentum.

Listen deeply in your explorative phase.

Coach stakeholders to arrive at clarity of purpose & outcomes.

Make you aware of the Baseline (current ‘as is’ state) and help you firm up your aspiration (your next level vision).

Facilitate spaces for you and your teams to make that deeper paradigm shift.

Your ‘People’ are the key and can be the one to make all the difference, we help them become aware of the power and the excellence they hold within.

Bring forth awareness to the nature of conversations and shift them to healthy inter-personnel spaces - that align with core vision, build highly focused teams and drive momentum.


Across our work in the space of empowering purpose, potential and practices we have served people development in unique ways. Here are few experiences we are sharing of work done across industries, cultures and business lines. For the purpose of brevity we have kept the essence alive. We are happy to take you through details. Get in Touch

Through our retreats, coaching and facilitated workshops we have contributed to leadership development initiatives over last 28 years. We have touched practically multiple sectors and sizes of organizations with our unique experiential offerings & solutions.

For a leading Public Sector Power Corporation, we experientially explored two aspects of leadership – embodying vision and empowering team. Through half-a-day that we facilitated, all the leaders eagerly explored individual connection to their organization’s global vision and expressed it through images, words and phrases. We took the exploration further by sharing:

  • an experiential practice of how to connect to vision while performing day-to-day tasks.
  • a process of co-holding power with each other so that best manifestation of the company’s goals unfolds.

The rest half-a-day of the full day offsite was dedicated to organization critical areas that were facilitated internally by the organization.

Leadership. Vision. Aligned Action.

With many clients we have facilitated individual coaching, group coaching and facilitated workshops both in online and offline formats for building people management skills, supervisory capabilities, role modelling, mentoring, guiding people development and the like.

For a global IT company, we have successfully run over 8 cohorts for People Manager Program panning over 150 managers across new & experienced people managers and multi geographies like US, Argentina, India, Australia, Mexico. This is ongoing program as we continue to deliver for next set of cohorts. The needs of the group were arrived at through various stake holder discussions which also made us aware of the culture, current needs for people managers to step up and take this learning journey. The organization was also going through an acquisition and the program was extended to others giving them a common language to indirectly integrate cultures.

Each cohort was designed to become aware of and experience deep people connect skills and build outer and inner capacities. The capacity building was largely focused across organization, leadership, team, and execution.

We had built within this intervention a process of program feedback to focus on continuous improvement of our format, content, and delivery. The top 3 most appreciated modules were leadership presence, managing conflicts and giving & receiving feedback & feedforward. And others were enhancing quality of relationships, deeply listening to stakeholder needs, impactfully and compassionately communicating, art of delegating and getting work done, coaching for people development and guiding meaningful careers, inspiring collaboration in teams towards business success, and setting goals that matter.

For a six-month experiential program to be engaging and successful needed a design that has a balance of knowledge and application, blended approach to learning in the session and in between sessions. We appreciate the efforts of our training partners in the organization who were open to ideas and worked through so many of them to make this program valuable and integrated for their people managers.

These sessions were online and enabled participant learning via a combination of – practices for application, leadership experience sharing, miniature being in the present moment practices, baseline reflection, reporting manager touch points for setting learning goals & sharing progress, peer learning and complimented self-paced learning. This is a powerful mode of building leadership skills over time to imbibe and internalise.

Across IT firms, telecommunication and manufacturing firms we facilitated two-day in-company workshops on Visioning, Goal Setting, Key Results Areas Clarity, investing time on the key focus points and measuring results in qualitative and quantitative ways. We linked these individual results and productivity management methodologies to the larger process workflows and enhanced efficiency at the work place.

We facilitated a 90-minute session on Mindfulness as part of their three-day annual leadership retreat attended by Indian and few global leaders. Session was absolutely experienced and well received as a practical tool for being centered, creative and thriving at work place

Our heart is at self-awareness and people transformation, we naturally get assignments from organizations who are anchored in the faith of people potential or aspirational in this direction. For one such organization we have facilitated sessions on a periodic basis for a year inculcating in people a learning space and curiosity in their work lives.

Grooming women leaders to thrive in the organization enables a balance of the nurturing and dynamic aspects. We do experience that the potential an individual can hold is beyond genders, and that is how we approach all other work. The idea is simply to enhance certain qualities without reducing the presence of others, going beyond labelling of qualities to a certain gender, while honouring the inherent strengths.

For a global bank we facilitated six-month long program for empowering women leaders to thrive in the organization. We used an assessment tool to help them get a view of their personality. The program included deep coaching into aspects of their leadership traits, personal motivators, organizational goals, networking skills, visibility building capacities and contributing to the larger organization.

Several CXOs of shipping organizations, hotels, IT firms, publishing, manufacturing companies and the like have opted for our Executive Coaching. These are highly tailor made to the uniqueness they carry, roles they held, organizational growth plans, business scenarios and the legacy they chose to create.

We conducted a session on ‘Art of Deeper Coaching Conversations’ for a Switzerland based Agriculture Services and Technology firm. The focus was guiding their coaching and senior leaders on building a calm neutral poise, deep listening capacity and developing the capacity to sense behind what is shared by the coaches.

We coached a working relationship & alignment process for two senior leaders heading global/ regional portfolios for a global technology consultancy. They had history of working with each other. For a critical work in the organization, they were required to collaborate at a greater level. That’s when they realised that they were carrying two different aspects/ belief structures of culture & leadership styles. In tandem, with leadership changes in the organization, they each held different affinity and loyalty to what those leaders stood for. These were dynamics that came into their relationship along with a felt sense of dabbling with the old as well and opening to the new cultural demands in the organization. We designed a dual coaching modality with two coaches along with the two leaders. There were sessions done as a pair and individually. We helped them become aware of their individual style, inner configurations through our profiling tool; to be able to identify where they naturally converge or where they trigger each other; to watch out for the differences and without suppressing anything allow their best to play out. The processes were not only for their working together but also through them the culture integration to happen. Over the sessions, they shared that their teamwork became enhanced, they were able to work on critical projects and have begun to know how to navigate through each other and as a leadership team.

We have facilitated multiple leadership and team offsites.

For a global energy sector organization, we facilitated their visioning, strategy and working model for two locations that needed to be integrated – Meeting first time face to face – working through the needs of the two entities and building synergy. Starting of a bond and dialogue – safe to challenge & build on each other. Two years later, we ran a leadership next level offsite for their Indian location – to propel further in their journey.  A time to build trust in the new leadership team. A vibrant leader that wanted to expand India Presence in the global footprint of their organization. The special aspect was the coming together of the spark of change, and the vision immersion exercise.

For a HR consultancy, we facilitated a 2-day workshop to bring their team together post pandemic. A visioning exercise, reconnecting to the spark of the organization, getting to know collective strengths both from people side and the business products side. What it means to travel further together with respect, drive and progress. These were done through immersion activities, café style dialogue, open sharing, group processes and profiling tools.

A strong steady vibrant Indian Organization celebrating 30 years was a lovely occasion for the founder to bring together the entire team across India. And we had the opportunity exploring together ways to- Align & Build inspiring connections – their what next as a team; inculcate a spirit of Proactiveness, Initiative; sustain continuous focus on customers despite challenges. Each group shared their aspirations for the company in the next 5 years. Collective inspiration and visioning that connected all. Bonus was the leader allocating the second part of building self-awareness, inner strengths and learning through the InStrengths Profiling

For the HR function, we brought collaboration, next level visioning, appreciating diversity and being there for each other as qualitative aspects that the group worked through as they put together their HR strategy for a three-year journey.

A unique 90 minutes ‘Be the Flow’ session was curated for a leading EV Indian company. What started off as a learning engagement for the entire team finally brought together core qualities of flow, spirit of collaboration, individual initiative and tapping potential of strengths. Left a collective spark while connected to business outcomes.

A customised two-part workshop for an NGO where the full team across four geographies participated. The need explored was working collaboratively, building trust and respect in working together cross culturally, holding an inclusive culture while appreciating the diverse capacities each brought. What was value adding was the practices we shared post workshop that brings attention to practical application at work.

Facilitated an MBTI, self-awareness and leadership based 3-hour session for senior leaders of a vertical of a leading management consulting firm (one of the big 4) in India with global presence and partnership.


Tools Used


A tool that helps individuals take a pause and look within. It supports in bringing clarity into your thinking process, emotional states, internal sense of power, degree of joy, and state of well-being of your body. Through research, we have clarified them as eight different parts of your being. The tool reveals your strengths present and patterns within you and their link to competencies needed to thrive in your work and life. Discover insights to tune your Being to its optimum ‘radiance’ and expression.


Your daily companion to explore, discover and connect with your inner strengths. A DIY toolkit that houses 60 inner strengths across the 8 parts of our inner self – in physical cards and app forms.


A simple and impactful framework that can be used to address diversity in thoughts, styles and approaches. It outlines 8 fundamental orientations. Using this at work supports in deeper understanding of people interactions, leverage collective strengths, build sensitivity & collaboration, understand what is present / flowing or missing / stuck in a project / team/ goal achievement to propel it forward.


A tool to transform the collective space within teams. The process brings into awareness the quality of the inter-subjective space within teams that is present; the underlying dynamics of dialogue; and support transformation of energies present, mental formation, physical spaces. It also holds space for the deeper aspirations touched / shared within the group.


A reflective process that uses a set of cards to move through phase of – immersion into vision; check into resonance points; bring in aspiration; connect to the synergy points; and then act from it.

Looking to nourish your people and organization?